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These are problems I know about! I am now 58. First stertad running about 30. Bunions were terrible inherited from my Dad. Ran anyway, with ice and pain as a default. 10 years later I wanted to ice skate. This I could NOT do with bunions, and after some research I had bilateral surgery to correct them. I decided to go with the procedure which involved breaking, cutting, and casting feet. I have not been sorry. I have seen many unsuccessful outcomes with laser or pins. After the walking casts were removed and my feet normalized I wore orthotics for about a year to help correct alignment. I skated for many years, and then came up with knee trouble. After years of off and on physiotherapy it was pretty bad. I was not able to stay active and gained weight. I thought I'd never run again! Ugh. Eventually a savvy doctor sent me for an MRI. So there was degradation of the cartilage, but also a tear in the knee cap. I held off surgery even then (scared!) but eventually took the plunge. About 6 months afterwards I went to a trainer for a while. The years of kneed trouble had messed up everything, and I stertad from scratch t rebuild balance and strength. It will be three years this fall since the knee surgery. I will be running the Toronto Waterfront Marathon in September. This was a success story.

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